CHAPTER-1 (French Revolution)
1. How was Loius XVI
responsible for the outbreak of French Revolution of 1789?
i) Ruling under Divine right theory- declared himself as the representative of God
ii) No change in Administration
iii) Taxes were increased- both direct and indirect
iv) Too much unnecessary royal expenditure
v) Involvement in American War of Independence
2. Describe the society of France before the revolution of 1789.
i) 1st estate-Clergy- Priestly class
ii) 2nd estate-Nobles- King’s relatives and land lords
iii) 3rd estate-Common people
iv) Tax Burden on Common people
3. Describe the role of any three philosophers before the French Revolution.
i) Motesque- wrote ‘spirit of laws’
ii) John Locke
iii) Jean Jacques Rousseau- wrote ‘Social Contract’
iv) Mirabeau
v) Abbe Sieyes
vi) Olympe de Gouges
4. Define the immediate cause of revolution.
The king wanted to introduce new tax. A meeting of estate generals was called. The people of the third estate were dishonored. Their request for ‘one man, one vote’ was not accepted. They marched out of the meeting. On 20 June, the assembled in an indoor tennis court and pledged not to disperse until they had drafted a constitution to limit the powers of the king.
5. Describe the effects of the French Revolution.
i) Constitutional Monarchy
ii) Rights to the common People
iii) Feudal system was abolished
iv) New flag and hymns were designed
v) Separation of Powers
vi) Privileges were abolished
vii) France became a republic
6. Describe the political system from 1791.
i) Legislature, executive and judiciary
ii) Active and passive citizens
iii) Active citizens elected 50000 electors
iv) Electors elected national assembly (745 members)
v) King was head of judiciary and had veto power
vi) Active citizens elected judge
7. Name some rights enjoyed by the people in France.
i) Right to vote
ii) Right to life
iii) Right to speech, opinion
iv) Right to equality before law.
8. Describe the factors for the French Revolution.
i) Social Factor
ii) Economic factor
iii) Political factor
iv) Philosophical factor
v) Immediate factor
9. Write the policies followed by Robespierre (Reign of Terror).
i) Guillotine was used for all who were guilty and against him.
ii) Churches were shut down
iii) Peasants were forced to transport their grains to cities
iv) Monsieur and Madame were abolished
v) Equality of Bread
10. What reforms did Napoleon Bonaparte bring in Europe?
i) Napoleonic code-1804
ii) Uniform laws
iii) Uniform weights and measures
iv) Open Market system
v) Common currency
vi) Protection of Private Property
11. Describe about the Directory rule in France.
i) Rule of Wealthier Middle Class
ii) Five members in Executive directory
iii) Opposed to each other in law making
iv) Political instability- paved the way for rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
12. Role of women
i) Clubs were formed
ii) Started their own newspaper, magazines
iii) Movements for right to vote
iv) Movements for personal rights
v) Describe the Old regime?
13. How was slavery abolished?
i) Slaves were brought from Caribbean
ii) Triangular slave trade
iii) 1794, convention abolished slavery
iv) Napolean reintroduced slavery
v) Finally abolished in 1848
14. Describe the role of Olympe de Gouges
i) Opposed Constitution of 1791 as that had not given basic rights to women
ii) She demanded rights for the women to the queen and national assembly
iii) She criticized Jacobin govt for forcibly closing down women’s clubs
iv) She was executed as charged with treason
Basic rights set forth by Olympe de Gouges
i) Women is equal with man
ii) Right to equality, liberty and property to women
iii) Right to expression to both men and women
15. Role of Middle class in the Revolution
Who were Middle Class- They were the Intelligentsia mass who were both educated and rich. They led the revolution. Ex- Business men, lawers, teachers, Industrialists etc
Their Role
i) Writing and spreading the ideas
ii) Coffee house and discussion
iii) Strike and campaigning
iv) Making of National Assembly and constitution
v) Role of Philosophers
CHAPTER-3 (Nazism and Rise of Hitler)
1. What is Genocidal War?
i) Killing on large scale leading to destruction of large section of people
ii) Hitler killed innocent people in 2nd world war
iii) 6 million jews
iv) 200,000 Gypsies
v) 1 million polish civilians
vi) 70,000 Germans also
2. What factors contributed for the rise of Hitler?
i) Treaty of Versailles
ii) Political condition of Germany
iii) Defects in Weimar Constitution
iv) Economic crisis
v) Promises of Hitler
vi) His leadership and inspiring speeches
3. Political Crises in Germany
i) Criticised to Weimar Republic by people
ii) Defects of Weimar republic
iii) 20 cabinets within 239 days in an average-instability
iv) Communists, Democrats wanted to form the government
4. Economic Crises in Germany
i) Paying war reparations in gold
ii) Germany’s colonies, Industrial areas, mineral resources were occupied by Allied Power
iii) Hyper Inflation- Value of Mark collapsed, price rise
iv) Crash of Wall Street Exchange- Germany was worst hit
v) Unemployment Problem- proletarianisation
vi) Poverty and Hunger
5. Describe about First World War
i) World was divided into two groups
ii) Allied power( England, France and Russia)
iii) Central Power( Germany, Austria-Hungery and Turkey)
iv) Entry of US in 1917
v) Defeat of Germany and Treaty of Versailles to Germany
6. ‘Treaty of Versailles was a humiliating peace against Germany’. Discuss.
i) Lost Overseas colonies
ii) Lost one tenth of population
iii) Lost 13% of territories
iv) Lost 75% of iron & 26% of coal to France, Poland & Denmark
v) Demilitarization of Germany
vi) Forced to pay £6 billion as compensation
7. What was Weimer Repubic? Why was it criticized by the people?
What was Weimer Repubic?
This was the government established by the Allied power in Germany after the Ist World War.
Why was it Criticised by people?
i) The weimar government accepted the provisions of Treaty of Versailles, and became a puppet under Allied power
ii) Proportional Representation- made no majority government and coalitions
iii) Article 48-President all powerful
iv) 20 different cabinets within 239 days
8. What were the promises made by Hitler?
i) Build a strong nation
ii) Undo the injustice of Versailles treaty
iii) Restore the dignity of German People
iv) Employment for all
v) Secure Future of the youth
vi) Resist all foreign conspiracies against Germany
9. What steps did Hitler take to destroy Democracy in Germany?
i) Fire Decree- Feb 1933
ii) Enabling Act-March 1933
iii) Political Parties were banned
iv) Security services to control
v) Punishment to those who opposed
10. How did Hitler reconstruct Germany?
i) Economic Recovery by Hjalmar Schacht
ii) Pulled Germany out fm League of Nation
iii) Integrated Austria and Germany under the slogan One People, One Empire and One Leader
iv) Re-occupied the Rhine land
v) Invaded Poland and Soviet Union
11. What steps Hitler took to establish Germany as Racial State?
i) Desirable and undesirable
ii) Jews, Gypsies, Blacks- racially inferiors
iii) Steps for Jews to death
iv) Russians and poles were considered sub-Humans
v) Racial Science in schools
12. Why Nazi hatred Jews?
i) They were the killers of Christ
ii) They were the Exploitative moneylenders earlier(Usurers)
13. What were the steps to death for Jews?
i) Exclusion (1933-1939)
ii) Ghettoisation (1940-1944)
iii) Annihilation (1941 onwards)
14. Nazi Schools/Education in Nazi Society
i) Cleansing all schools
ii) Segregation of children
iii) Racial Science was introduced
iv) Different aims of education for boys and girls
v) Boxing as a necessary activity
vi) Youth organizations- Jungvolk in 10 years, Hitler Youth in 14 yrs, Labour service in 18 yrs
15. What was the Nazi world views
i) Believe in Racial Hierarchy
ii) No equality of the people
iii) Survival of the fittest
iv) Lebensraum-Capturing more territories
16. Nazi Cult of Motherhood
i) Women were radically different from man
ii) Awards to good mothers-Gold, Silver and Bronze Crosses
iii) Punishment to mothers of Handicapped children
iv) Punishment to women who mixed with jews
17. Explain Nazi Propaganda?
i) Final solution
ii) Final treatment
iii) No killing word used
iv) Film, Radio, Posters
v) The Eternal Jews
vi) Jews were referred as Vermins, rats and pests
18. What was Holocaust?
i) It was the Nazi killing operations during the 2nd world war
ii) Ghettoisation
iii) Concentration Camp
iv) Gas Chamber
1. Write the story of Chile?
i) Socialist Party of Chile(a South American Country)- Salvador Allende was the President
ii) He made reforms for the poor and workers. These include education system, free milk for children, redistribution of land to the landless farmers.
iii) Military Coup of 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet. Military dictatorship was established.
iv) Referendum in 1988, People said ‘No’ to Pinochet
v) Michelle Bachelet daughter of General Bachelet was elected as President in the year 2006
2. Describe the story of Poland.
i) Poland, in 1980 was ruled by Polish United Workers’ Party supported by U.S.S.R
ii) Problems during this rule-
• No other political party was allowed in politics
• Leaders were not chosen freely by people
• Those who said against leaders, they were put in the prison
• No trade union can function in Industries
iii) Strike by the workers of Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk in 1980 under the leadership Lech Walesa, an electrician
iv) Trade Union “Solidarity” was formed and got popularity
v) Martial law was imposed in December 1981
vi) 1988- Another wave of strike by Solidarity against the weak government
vii) Election in 1989- Walesa became first elected President of Poland
3. What is democracy?
Ans. It is a form of government by the people of the people for the people.
The people have right to choose their leaders.
People have right to express their opinion.
4. Is the meaning of democracy completely suitable on UNO.
Ans. No
i) Veto Power of five members.
ii) Head of World Bank is always from USA.
iii) IMF countries have no equal rights
5. Explain the steps for promotion of democracy .
i) Democratic countries are increasing day by day
ii) Democracy in institutions like schools, colleges and office
iii) Democracy in Global institutions like U.N.O
6. Some important concepts
i) Censorship - Freedom of Expression is taken away . Government’s permission is required for making a speech or publishing in news paper and magazine.
ii) Coalition – An alliance of people, Associations, Parties or Nations
iii) Coup – A Sudden overthrow of a government illegally.
iv) Martial Law – A system of rules when Military takes control of the normal administration of the country.
v) Referendum - A direct voting in an entire area in which the people have choices to accept or reject a proposal by ‘yes or no’.
vi) Veto – The right of a person, Party or nation to stop a certain decision or law.
1. Define rule of law?
i) law is equal and unique to everybody.
ii) Equal Justice to all according to the law
2. What are the features of democracy?
Ans- features are:-
i) Rulers are elected.
ii) Major decesions were made by elected leader.
iii) The refendum.
iv) Free and Fair Electoral Competition
v) One person, one vote and one value
vi) Rule of law and respect for all
3. What is free and fair competition in election?
free competition in election
i) Candidates are free to stand without fear
ii) Voters are free to choose their leaders
fair competition in election
i) No muscle power is used by the people Ex-No Giving money and getting vote and voting by caste based campaign.
ii) No booth capturing and persuasion or threatening to people for vote.
4. Why should we define democracy?
Ans- we define it because:-
i) People should know what they are within the Government.
ii) To popularize the concept of democracy in World.
iii) To reach at its broader meaning.
iv) The concept of democracy should be reach the Grass root level people.
v) It describes clear powers of the government
vi) People will know their rights
5. What are the merits of democracy ?
Ans- 1- All are equal .
2- Everyone has right to vote.
3- Right to information.
4- People are involved in decision making.
5- Everyone can express his views .
6- Here rulers are elected by people .
7- Equal opportunities for everyone .
8-Judiciary is independent an impartial.
9-Constitution is a book of law.
10-In democracy minorities are saved.
Describe the broader meaning of democracy?
Ans- 1-Democracy in global world.
2-Democracy in institution.
3-Democratic idea to grass root level people.
4-Democratic countries are increased.
Q8- what are the demerits of democracy?
Ans- 1-Conflict between different diversity in demands of rights.
2-Delay in democracy.
3-Coalition government due to multi-party System.
4-Instability to country.
5-Malpractice is applied in elections.
6-Politicians promise but not do.
7-Politicians politicize the issue.
CHAPTER-3- Constitutional design
1. Examples of apartheid in S.A.-
I. Blacks were prohibited into white areas.
II. Can work in white areas but only with permit.
III. Blacks can’t go to public buses, toilets etc. used by the whites.
IV. Blacks can’t make associations and protest.
2. S.A Constitution, at a glance
I. Formed in 1994
II. Discriminatory laws were repealed
III. Ban on political parties and media were lifted
IV. Rights to the people were given
V. No one should be treated as demon
3. Why do we need a constitution?
I. These guidelines help in governance.
II. Checks the misuse of power.
III. Everyone has equal rights.
IV. Helps in development of the nation sustainably.
V. It gives rights to common people
4. Making of Indian constitution-
I. 1928- Constitution under Motilal Nehru
II. Constituent Assembly in 1946- 299 members.
III. Borrowed many principles from other countries
IV. Debate and Discussions clause by clause
V. Drafting of the constitution under Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
5. Write about following-
I. We the people- Constitution is drawn up and enacted by Indians.
II. Sovereign- People have supreme right and no external power can govern them.
III. Socialist- No gap between rich and poor.Wealth generated is used for overall growth of the nation.
IV. Secular- People are Free to follow any religion. Government should not specially favour any religion.
V. Democratic- A government for the people, by the people and of the people.People get equal rights and can choose leaders.
VI. Republic- The Head of the state/ country is elected by the people directly or indirectly.
VII. Justice- Social, Political and Economic Justice.All people are equal before law.
VIII. Fraternity- Brotherhood.We should live in harmony.
IX. Apartheid- A policy of racial discrimination on basis of colour of skin in South Africa.
X. Clause- A distinct or superior section of document.
XI. Constituent assembly-Assembly to frame the constitution of India.
XII. Constitutional Amendments- A change in the constitution made by the supreme legislative body.
XIII. Drafts- A preliminary version of a legal document.
XIV. Treason- Offence to attempt to overthrow the government of one’s nation.
XV. Preamble- A statement in a constitution stating the reasons and guiding values of a constitution. Introduction to our constitution.
XVI. Tryst- A meeting or meeting place which has been agreed upon.
XVII. Philosophy- The most fundamental principles underlying one’s thoughts and actions.
i) Ruling under Divine right theory- declared himself as the representative of God
ii) No change in Administration
iii) Taxes were increased- both direct and indirect
iv) Too much unnecessary royal expenditure
v) Involvement in American War of Independence
2. Describe the society of France before the revolution of 1789.
i) 1st estate-Clergy- Priestly class
ii) 2nd estate-Nobles- King’s relatives and land lords
iii) 3rd estate-Common people
iv) Tax Burden on Common people
3. Describe the role of any three philosophers before the French Revolution.
i) Motesque- wrote ‘spirit of laws’
ii) John Locke
iii) Jean Jacques Rousseau- wrote ‘Social Contract’
iv) Mirabeau
v) Abbe Sieyes
vi) Olympe de Gouges
4. Define the immediate cause of revolution.
The king wanted to introduce new tax. A meeting of estate generals was called. The people of the third estate were dishonored. Their request for ‘one man, one vote’ was not accepted. They marched out of the meeting. On 20 June, the assembled in an indoor tennis court and pledged not to disperse until they had drafted a constitution to limit the powers of the king.
5. Describe the effects of the French Revolution.
i) Constitutional Monarchy
ii) Rights to the common People
iii) Feudal system was abolished
iv) New flag and hymns were designed
v) Separation of Powers
vi) Privileges were abolished
vii) France became a republic
6. Describe the political system from 1791.
i) Legislature, executive and judiciary
ii) Active and passive citizens
iii) Active citizens elected 50000 electors
iv) Electors elected national assembly (745 members)
v) King was head of judiciary and had veto power
vi) Active citizens elected judge
7. Name some rights enjoyed by the people in France.
i) Right to vote
ii) Right to life
iii) Right to speech, opinion
iv) Right to equality before law.
8. Describe the factors for the French Revolution.
i) Social Factor
ii) Economic factor
iii) Political factor
iv) Philosophical factor
v) Immediate factor
9. Write the policies followed by Robespierre (Reign of Terror).
i) Guillotine was used for all who were guilty and against him.
ii) Churches were shut down
iii) Peasants were forced to transport their grains to cities
iv) Monsieur and Madame were abolished
v) Equality of Bread
10. What reforms did Napoleon Bonaparte bring in Europe?
i) Napoleonic code-1804
ii) Uniform laws
iii) Uniform weights and measures
iv) Open Market system
v) Common currency
vi) Protection of Private Property
11. Describe about the Directory rule in France.
i) Rule of Wealthier Middle Class
ii) Five members in Executive directory
iii) Opposed to each other in law making
iv) Political instability- paved the way for rise of Napoleon Bonaparte
12. Role of women
i) Clubs were formed
ii) Started their own newspaper, magazines
iii) Movements for right to vote
iv) Movements for personal rights
v) Describe the Old regime?
13. How was slavery abolished?
i) Slaves were brought from Caribbean
ii) Triangular slave trade
iii) 1794, convention abolished slavery
iv) Napolean reintroduced slavery
v) Finally abolished in 1848
14. Describe the role of Olympe de Gouges
i) Opposed Constitution of 1791 as that had not given basic rights to women
ii) She demanded rights for the women to the queen and national assembly
iii) She criticized Jacobin govt for forcibly closing down women’s clubs
iv) She was executed as charged with treason
Basic rights set forth by Olympe de Gouges
i) Women is equal with man
ii) Right to equality, liberty and property to women
iii) Right to expression to both men and women
15. Role of Middle class in the Revolution
Who were Middle Class- They were the Intelligentsia mass who were both educated and rich. They led the revolution. Ex- Business men, lawers, teachers, Industrialists etc
Their Role
i) Writing and spreading the ideas
ii) Coffee house and discussion
iii) Strike and campaigning
iv) Making of National Assembly and constitution
v) Role of Philosophers
CHAPTER-3 (Nazism and Rise of Hitler)
1. What is Genocidal War?
i) Killing on large scale leading to destruction of large section of people
ii) Hitler killed innocent people in 2nd world war
iii) 6 million jews
iv) 200,000 Gypsies
v) 1 million polish civilians
vi) 70,000 Germans also
2. What factors contributed for the rise of Hitler?
i) Treaty of Versailles
ii) Political condition of Germany
iii) Defects in Weimar Constitution
iv) Economic crisis
v) Promises of Hitler
vi) His leadership and inspiring speeches
3. Political Crises in Germany
i) Criticised to Weimar Republic by people
ii) Defects of Weimar republic
iii) 20 cabinets within 239 days in an average-instability
iv) Communists, Democrats wanted to form the government
4. Economic Crises in Germany
i) Paying war reparations in gold
ii) Germany’s colonies, Industrial areas, mineral resources were occupied by Allied Power
iii) Hyper Inflation- Value of Mark collapsed, price rise
iv) Crash of Wall Street Exchange- Germany was worst hit
v) Unemployment Problem- proletarianisation
vi) Poverty and Hunger
5. Describe about First World War
i) World was divided into two groups
ii) Allied power( England, France and Russia)
iii) Central Power( Germany, Austria-Hungery and Turkey)
iv) Entry of US in 1917
v) Defeat of Germany and Treaty of Versailles to Germany
6. ‘Treaty of Versailles was a humiliating peace against Germany’. Discuss.
i) Lost Overseas colonies
ii) Lost one tenth of population
iii) Lost 13% of territories
iv) Lost 75% of iron & 26% of coal to France, Poland & Denmark
v) Demilitarization of Germany
vi) Forced to pay £6 billion as compensation
7. What was Weimer Repubic? Why was it criticized by the people?
What was Weimer Repubic?
This was the government established by the Allied power in Germany after the Ist World War.
Why was it Criticised by people?
i) The weimar government accepted the provisions of Treaty of Versailles, and became a puppet under Allied power
ii) Proportional Representation- made no majority government and coalitions
iii) Article 48-President all powerful
iv) 20 different cabinets within 239 days
8. What were the promises made by Hitler?
i) Build a strong nation
ii) Undo the injustice of Versailles treaty
iii) Restore the dignity of German People
iv) Employment for all
v) Secure Future of the youth
vi) Resist all foreign conspiracies against Germany
9. What steps did Hitler take to destroy Democracy in Germany?
i) Fire Decree- Feb 1933
ii) Enabling Act-March 1933
iii) Political Parties were banned
iv) Security services to control
v) Punishment to those who opposed
10. How did Hitler reconstruct Germany?
i) Economic Recovery by Hjalmar Schacht
ii) Pulled Germany out fm League of Nation
iii) Integrated Austria and Germany under the slogan One People, One Empire and One Leader
iv) Re-occupied the Rhine land
v) Invaded Poland and Soviet Union
11. What steps Hitler took to establish Germany as Racial State?
i) Desirable and undesirable
ii) Jews, Gypsies, Blacks- racially inferiors
iii) Steps for Jews to death
iv) Russians and poles were considered sub-Humans
v) Racial Science in schools
12. Why Nazi hatred Jews?
i) They were the killers of Christ
ii) They were the Exploitative moneylenders earlier(Usurers)
13. What were the steps to death for Jews?
i) Exclusion (1933-1939)
ii) Ghettoisation (1940-1944)
iii) Annihilation (1941 onwards)
14. Nazi Schools/Education in Nazi Society
i) Cleansing all schools
ii) Segregation of children
iii) Racial Science was introduced
iv) Different aims of education for boys and girls
v) Boxing as a necessary activity
vi) Youth organizations- Jungvolk in 10 years, Hitler Youth in 14 yrs, Labour service in 18 yrs
15. What was the Nazi world views
i) Believe in Racial Hierarchy
ii) No equality of the people
iii) Survival of the fittest
iv) Lebensraum-Capturing more territories
16. Nazi Cult of Motherhood
i) Women were radically different from man
ii) Awards to good mothers-Gold, Silver and Bronze Crosses
iii) Punishment to mothers of Handicapped children
iv) Punishment to women who mixed with jews
17. Explain Nazi Propaganda?
i) Final solution
ii) Final treatment
iii) No killing word used
iv) Film, Radio, Posters
v) The Eternal Jews
vi) Jews were referred as Vermins, rats and pests
18. What was Holocaust?
i) It was the Nazi killing operations during the 2nd world war
ii) Ghettoisation
iii) Concentration Camp
iv) Gas Chamber
1. Write the story of Chile?
i) Socialist Party of Chile(a South American Country)- Salvador Allende was the President
ii) He made reforms for the poor and workers. These include education system, free milk for children, redistribution of land to the landless farmers.
iii) Military Coup of 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet. Military dictatorship was established.
iv) Referendum in 1988, People said ‘No’ to Pinochet
v) Michelle Bachelet daughter of General Bachelet was elected as President in the year 2006
2. Describe the story of Poland.
i) Poland, in 1980 was ruled by Polish United Workers’ Party supported by U.S.S.R
ii) Problems during this rule-
• No other political party was allowed in politics
• Leaders were not chosen freely by people
• Those who said against leaders, they were put in the prison
• No trade union can function in Industries
iii) Strike by the workers of Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk in 1980 under the leadership Lech Walesa, an electrician
iv) Trade Union “Solidarity” was formed and got popularity
v) Martial law was imposed in December 1981
vi) 1988- Another wave of strike by Solidarity against the weak government
vii) Election in 1989- Walesa became first elected President of Poland
3. What is democracy?
Ans. It is a form of government by the people of the people for the people.
The people have right to choose their leaders.
People have right to express their opinion.
4. Is the meaning of democracy completely suitable on UNO.
Ans. No
i) Veto Power of five members.
ii) Head of World Bank is always from USA.
iii) IMF countries have no equal rights
5. Explain the steps for promotion of democracy .
i) Democratic countries are increasing day by day
ii) Democracy in institutions like schools, colleges and office
iii) Democracy in Global institutions like U.N.O
6. Some important concepts
i) Censorship - Freedom of Expression is taken away . Government’s permission is required for making a speech or publishing in news paper and magazine.
ii) Coalition – An alliance of people, Associations, Parties or Nations
iii) Coup – A Sudden overthrow of a government illegally.
iv) Martial Law – A system of rules when Military takes control of the normal administration of the country.
v) Referendum - A direct voting in an entire area in which the people have choices to accept or reject a proposal by ‘yes or no’.
vi) Veto – The right of a person, Party or nation to stop a certain decision or law.
1. Define rule of law?
i) law is equal and unique to everybody.
ii) Equal Justice to all according to the law
2. What are the features of democracy?
Ans- features are:-
i) Rulers are elected.
ii) Major decesions were made by elected leader.
iii) The refendum.
iv) Free and Fair Electoral Competition
v) One person, one vote and one value
vi) Rule of law and respect for all
3. What is free and fair competition in election?
free competition in election
i) Candidates are free to stand without fear
ii) Voters are free to choose their leaders
fair competition in election
i) No muscle power is used by the people Ex-No Giving money and getting vote and voting by caste based campaign.
ii) No booth capturing and persuasion or threatening to people for vote.
4. Why should we define democracy?
Ans- we define it because:-
i) People should know what they are within the Government.
ii) To popularize the concept of democracy in World.
iii) To reach at its broader meaning.
iv) The concept of democracy should be reach the Grass root level people.
v) It describes clear powers of the government
vi) People will know their rights
5. What are the merits of democracy ?
Ans- 1- All are equal .
2- Everyone has right to vote.
3- Right to information.
4- People are involved in decision making.
5- Everyone can express his views .
6- Here rulers are elected by people .
7- Equal opportunities for everyone .
8-Judiciary is independent an impartial.
9-Constitution is a book of law.
10-In democracy minorities are saved.
Describe the broader meaning of democracy?
Ans- 1-Democracy in global world.
2-Democracy in institution.
3-Democratic idea to grass root level people.
4-Democratic countries are increased.
Q8- what are the demerits of democracy?
Ans- 1-Conflict between different diversity in demands of rights.
2-Delay in democracy.
3-Coalition government due to multi-party System.
4-Instability to country.
5-Malpractice is applied in elections.
6-Politicians promise but not do.
7-Politicians politicize the issue.
CHAPTER-3- Constitutional design
1. Examples of apartheid in S.A.-
I. Blacks were prohibited into white areas.
II. Can work in white areas but only with permit.
III. Blacks can’t go to public buses, toilets etc. used by the whites.
IV. Blacks can’t make associations and protest.
2. S.A Constitution, at a glance
I. Formed in 1994
II. Discriminatory laws were repealed
III. Ban on political parties and media were lifted
IV. Rights to the people were given
V. No one should be treated as demon
3. Why do we need a constitution?
I. These guidelines help in governance.
II. Checks the misuse of power.
III. Everyone has equal rights.
IV. Helps in development of the nation sustainably.
V. It gives rights to common people
4. Making of Indian constitution-
I. 1928- Constitution under Motilal Nehru
II. Constituent Assembly in 1946- 299 members.
III. Borrowed many principles from other countries
IV. Debate and Discussions clause by clause
V. Drafting of the constitution under Dr. B.R.Ambedkar
5. Write about following-
I. We the people- Constitution is drawn up and enacted by Indians.
II. Sovereign- People have supreme right and no external power can govern them.
III. Socialist- No gap between rich and poor.Wealth generated is used for overall growth of the nation.
IV. Secular- People are Free to follow any religion. Government should not specially favour any religion.
V. Democratic- A government for the people, by the people and of the people.People get equal rights and can choose leaders.
VI. Republic- The Head of the state/ country is elected by the people directly or indirectly.
VII. Justice- Social, Political and Economic Justice.All people are equal before law.
VIII. Fraternity- Brotherhood.We should live in harmony.
IX. Apartheid- A policy of racial discrimination on basis of colour of skin in South Africa.
X. Clause- A distinct or superior section of document.
XI. Constituent assembly-Assembly to frame the constitution of India.
XII. Constitutional Amendments- A change in the constitution made by the supreme legislative body.
XIII. Drafts- A preliminary version of a legal document.
XIV. Treason- Offence to attempt to overthrow the government of one’s nation.
XV. Preamble- A statement in a constitution stating the reasons and guiding values of a constitution. Introduction to our constitution.
XVI. Tryst- A meeting or meeting place which has been agreed upon.
XVII. Philosophy- The most fundamental principles underlying one’s thoughts and actions.
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